The Art@Africa Sculpture Garden – Perfume Workshop, Franschhoek


When you think Perfume, you think flowers and consequently ....... bees.

 Today it is widely understood and accepted that the sustainability of the honeybee is crucial to ensure food security for mankind. This is mainly due to our reliance on bees for pollinating agricultural crops that are vital for sufficient food production. According to the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) more than 50 different crops in South Africa are dependent upon insect pollination.

Unfortunately, there has been a dramatic decline in honeybee populations worldwide since 2006. The causes for this decline have been identified as both biological and socio-economic.

Therefore the world population of bees desperately need our help

CONTACT Dirk Durnez dirk@artatafrica.art

Multi disciplinary ‘busy bee’ that Stavros created in honour and admiration of  the guardians of our fantastic South Africa biosphere.

Biomimicry a mixed media sculpture.

Located at The Art@Africa Sculpture Garden,  Perfume Workshop , Franschhoek.

Artists are often called a “Busy Bee” because of the incredible hard work they do to survive in these economically challenging times.

African Chameleon

 The chameleon  is the animal that carries the key to bringing peace and harmony to mankind. 

 In African mythology, the chameleon is the last animal that escaped from the creator. The bronze sculpture represents the chameleon making its way through history along Pandora’s Hair to close Pandora’s Box with the key to mankind’s salvation in its tail. In this way, fulfilling its life’s mission, bringing the end to all the heartache and misfortune that the world experiences.


A body of works created during Covid- 19 lockdown. All of us were contained and restricted at home and couldn't move around. Stavros looked at creating enriching works of mankind's strength rather than the morbid side effects of containment

COVID madness!!

Acknowledging your inner strength and knowing your power that comes with it

Capture the Moment

A split second in time


 An unwed pregnant woman under the veil of shame is still angelic


Essence of a women allowing to be comfortable with herself


Essence of mans strength and agility to persevere never mind what he faces

See Stavros' portfolio of work

Portfolio Gallery